Perspectives from the Himalaya

A Pendulum Shift in Winter

In the play of sunlight filtering down through the shady fig trees, a troop of little feet powered by an apparition of arching wild bamboo and a generous length of hemp rope, sauntering at first, then taking bolder strides, broke their locomotion into a mad run towards the swathe of cracked mud. There was an immediate urgency to fly and the many soaring spirits held…

Alchemy of Spring

Ramming stopped on the final wall and a cry was heard from 24 feet above ground. Perched on the edge of worn-out formwork, a finger pointed down towards the muddy pathway between the thresholds where Surya stood. The little ones put a pause to their work play at the sand dune and leapfrogged toward the scene. Surya had just stopped a slithering creature in its…

The Heart of Play

As the snow begins to melt with the abrupt appearance of spring disrobing the stark towering granite, 11 pairs of boyish limbs came springing up from all directions of the village to seek new adventures. They appeared in unforeseen lengths and widths but share an insatiable spirit of curiosity and play with a whiff of mischief. Except for a beaten football, abundant wild bamboo and…

Theatre of Construction

The boundary confused with punctuation of wild bamboo is displaced with sounds of slashes and whips. The Jumla boys take a playful swing along the green branching clusters and tamed them with their axes and machetes, tugging the hollow culms up the terraces with their sheer strength, trimming them into workable lengths and shouldering them onto the stage to act as props for the drama…


An incurable wanderlust, just watching the world go by: Looking up, from humble little Earth,Gaze returned, with poetry from the Sky.Watching Clouds, old as Earth itself,A calligraphy of water against the azure.And upon zenith, tear on sun-kissed land. Breeze whispers in one ear and out the other.Flurrying dusty feet, of hairy honeyed beesSock in floral sprinkles and more in pollen baskets.Arms of gust encircle eagles…

Little Voices

As the buck moon wanes, Little A, filled with emotion and mortification, stumbled for words to express the absence of empathy in humanity. Squatting in moonlight, streams of tears flushed his sticky cheeks. He had witnessed the cold killing of his extraordinarily large tadpole, at first mistaken as a fish, ripped apart by deft and nimble fingers as little as his. He was vehement to…

A Full Cycle: Learning the Language of Nature

It has been over a year since we moved to Astam village. This means that having lived a full cycle of how the seasons come and go, we are beginning to absorb the life pattern that unfolds itself, and appreciate how people live correspondingly to that rhythm. It is ancient wisdom, an intelligent way of living, and a quiet order that has been practised for…

Autumn: Celebrating Tihar and Diwali

Wild heads of vivid yellow, orange and gold make the shape of loveliness. Dotted with lilac and violet, the starkness of colour brings to life a change of seasons. Untamed, the petite petals perfume wild intentions of overriding the green, unveiling the silence of a Himalayan autumn that is at once a lingering green and gold. Autumn with her usual flair of letting go doesn't…

Magic Seeds: Cultivating a Rural Flavour

Little A's bottom has a mysterious disability to sit during most meals. Not unless he amuses himself with pencil and paper, playing cards and with Big A thrown into the equation as he slogs through his meal. There may be a valid theory that the Italians invented pizza and pasta a good while ago to keep their little Italianos seated and behaved. Tried and tested…

21 Boxes

Our belongings it was, once upon a timeAll 21 boxes, now a distant memoryIn transit over many monthsAcross waters to the Bay of Bengal. In a shipping container, in solitude they layAt a distant warehouse port, called KolkataKept apart between borders and mountainsWhilst a dark play hovered in unkindness. A mystery that could not be solvedDuring the terrorised reign of CoronaHence reunited we are notWith…

Unleashing the Unstoppable Mischief, Meowfraa!

The cat was feeling the munchies. He heard the scurrying legs of cockroaches in the apartment close by. He felt the mischievous twitches of his whiskers and knew an adventure was awaiting him. It was a wet rainy night. Perfect for a quick outdoor play with the frogs before making his appearance.In his wet suit, he leapt out from the 2nd floor window adjacent to…

Weaving Threads and Dusting the Cobwebs

Restrained by the relentless monsoon rain whilst the dung beetles roll in glee, I settled on the balcony, watching the vastness of life before me. The black birds frolicking in the dew of the trees, acquiring scruffy crests drenched in mischief. A spider floats into eye view hanging playfully on her thread from the edge of the ceiling, in search of a meal. She spots…

Our Legs and Arms

In December 2019, 13 men from Jumla travelled for 3 days to arrive at Astam. They came from afar with a handful of belongings, a mountain load of enthusiasm, a sense of humour and a joyful spirit. They came to build our home and yoga shala, and willingly help us with everything that needs doing on the land. Multi-tasked as they are, they have proven…

What’s for breakfast?

A question for an urbanite: What do you have for breakfast when there are no crusty loaves from the oven, overnight oatmeal or fruit, steamed pao, or dare we utter the ultimate that, that distinguishes a Malaysian from all others - nasi lemak? The answer that transpires from the modest hills overlooking the abode of snow: dish out Kodo Ko roti. Everyday. Fresh from the…

Building with Earth

Building with earth beneath our feet sounds almost poetic. But reality relies on us being sensitive to the natural environment and understanding the cyclical nature and disposition of how everything on this planet is interdependent on one another. This means that what we consume, utilize and pollute comes back to us in one form or another. With no exception, building ecologically and sustainably deserves a…

The Walls have a Story to Tell

In the absence of formwork, A beauty presents itself. The marriage of rough gravel, Smooth sand and fine clay, Reveals an unpredictable, Monolithic rammed earth wall. A rugged edge, An unexpected crevice, A chipped groove, A smudge of bronze, copper, Sienna, umber, terracotta and gold. Surprising the eye, Enticing the senses. Over and over again, The wall teases the viewer With its stark nakedness And…

Taking the Leap

The Starting Point May 2019 Many moons ago, we talked about our dreams of moving to a rural environment to lead a simpler and cleaner life. To allow the boys to grow closer to Mother Nature and be a part of her embrace in its entirety. The Himalayas somehow, had its magnetic hands hovering from another life. And when a calling came from Nepal, we…