Perspectives from the Himalaya

Taking the Leap

The Starting Point May 2019

Many moons ago, we talked about our dreams of moving to a rural environment to lead a simpler and cleaner life. To allow the boys to grow closer to Mother Nature and be a part of her embrace in its entirety. The Himalayas somehow, had its magnetic hands hovering from another life. And when a calling came from Nepal, we took it hastily. A sleepy village nestled in the hills adjacent to the magnificent Annapurna became our new home. In her white towering peaks, entwined in a twisted matrix of creature and forest, her caresses of icy wind and fury hailstorm, merciless monsoon rains and wavering leeches – we sing and dance and cry together.

This is our journey of building an earth home and a retreat – for learning, unlearning, relearning – and being intrigued with the big questions in life. It is through the expression of yoga and in the spirit of seeking and openness that we have hope to ignite a breath of air, and where tradition engages the contemporary.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Thank you Augie! With the Covid19 and monsoon lockdown, we can’t quite forsee when our home will be finished. But visit you must !

  2. I truly admire your bravery and zest for life! Not many of us dare to even walk close to the edge, let alone leap! I want to come visit soon! 😉 Keep this blog going. 👍🏻 Love it!
    Meanwhile, take care.

  3. Thank you so much Rosalind!

  4. Beloved Ii Ling, Ganesh, Abhiram and Araf. How lovely it is to be connected to you through your blog. Your journey gives me goosebumps and makes me feel like crying as deep down I’d like to “take the leap” and do something similar for Uma. We are fine and learning amazing lessons during these lockdown times. Miss your beautiful energy. Love you loads

  5. We wouldn’t have been able to do it without the boundless love and support from our families and friends, including yourself of course!

  6. Am amazing journey you have taken with the support of a Ganesh and family members . At first we thought you were crazy, but after looking at the views and the happiness in the boys playing around with their new friends. Honestly We think you made a good choice. It is tough in the beginning but once completed it will be a heavenly beautiful home.

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