Perspectives from the Himalaya

Cloud Story 10: The Hunt for the Mysterious Gummy Bear

It rained relentlessly for 4 months, 4 days, 4 nights and 4 hours. There were periods of drizzle where the people living in the blue metal roof houses came out to clean the shed of their buffaloes. Other times, the sky crumbled into fury storms and out of the east came hailstones thundering and banging on their roofs. A plague of lethargy took hold in…

Cloud Story 3: Earth’s gigantic Tower of Chocolate Ice-cream

In a heat wave, unusual things brew in the Himalaya. The lopsided, snowy mountain that looked like a fatty, swirled milky ice-cream with a tender curly tip began to melt into the Oh-No Valley. It started with a droplet. Then, a drop. Heavy plops. Then, a drip. A dribble. A trickle. Like a faucet left carelessly unturned. The blazing sun continued rising high, the gradual…